If you want to start your own business, there are many things to think about before you start generating regular income. Most successful companies have a solid business plan, so considering what you want your entrepreneurial endeavor to look like before you start investing can have a major impact on how things go. Before taking your business planning any further, consider these aspects of your company.
1. Uniqueness
What sets your business apart from the millions of other businesses in the world? Why should consumers stop at your store instead of your competitors’? Before you can expect customers to love your company, you need to understand what you have to offer. This is a critical part of developing your sales strategy as well as the broader identity of who your company is.
2. Business Structure
Think about how you want your business to operate. For example, are you going to partner up or work by yourself? If you want to work with others, determine what kind of role you want business partners to have. With shared decision-making, a partnership might be best whereas a corporation can work better for more investment-focused involvement rather than operational.
3. Market
Before you go too far with planning, you should also consider the market and how your future business might fit into it. One of the most effective ways to do this is to conduct market research prior to launching your startup.
4. Your Audience
After identifying your market, narrow down your focus to the specific audience that you want to target. To start, consider these characteristics of your potential customer:
- Age
- Location
- Hobbies
- Work
- Income level
- Values
- Political and religious beliefs
- Other interests
Understanding your audience helps you better serve your customers’ needs.
5. Start-Up Costs
Money may not be everything, but calculating costs and knowing what to expect financially can make a big difference in the success and failure of a business startup. For this reason, you should start planning finances as soon as possible. Whenever you are unsure of exact costs, overestimate to avoid running into any surprises where you cannot afford something that your company needs.
6. Funding Options
Speaking of finances, another key money aspect to keep in mind is the need for funding. While some entrepreneurs have the good fortune of savings accounts and investments, that is not the case for everyone. If you fall into this latter category, do not let it stop you from pursuing your business startup dreams. There are also grant, loan and other business funding options to try.
7. Location
Where do you want to build your new company’s headquarters? In today’s modern world, it may be better to start by first determining whether you want to have a physical brick-and-mortar business or if you prefer a virtual startup. If you plan on having an actual store that customers can visit, you also need to think about parking, building permits, rent and insurance.
8. Supplies and Sourcing
Unless you plan on selling 100% organic and handcrafted goods at your store, you need to figure out where you will find supplies for whatever products you offer. Depending on your industry, there may be numerous options to choose from. Although pricing matters, keep in mind that the cheapest is not always the best. Instead, focus on quality and which suppliers best meet your business needs.
9. Branding
If you have not yet thought about how to brand your business, now is the time to do so. As the face of your company, your brand is what customers recognize you by. As such, you should spend time thinking about what you want to express about your company through your logo and other aspects of your general presentation. Visual appearances are often a major component of business branding.
Starting a business can be very rewarding, but there are many things to think about before diving in if you want to have the greatest chance of success. Use this list as a guide.