Masquerade party night is a night of mystery. And if you want to make this night more magical you have to choose everything perfect from what to wear (theme) to decor. Here’s a complete guide masquerade ball party.
Guide to organize masquerade ball party:
The overall party décor guide involves few steps starting from: invitations, decorations, theme, and food till games. As discussed before the first step of throwing party is to arrange the venue, after the venue than come whom you want to invite. People usually make these invitation card at home by using some fancy plastic sheet and then cut that sheet into the shape of Venetian masks. You can use any type of permanent marker to write the information about theme, when day and time. And the one with good budget can even make these cards look more attractive by add some glitters, stone and feathers. Keep in mind to mention to your guest that don’t forget to bring your masquerade mask. As masquerade party is somehow costume party, the main costume would be the masquerade mask which is used to cover faces but in case they forgot you should have extra mask at the venue if needed. This night is known as the night of mystery, try to create the mysterious ambience of a venue by choosing correct color theme try to add more black, blue, red and golden. Try to give the event the feel of luxury by adding different antique decoration pieces with metallic color curtains and most importantly the centerpiece should be related to the occasion. In food don’t go for the 2 to 3 formal dishes but there should be a complete buffet for masquerade ball. Your guests should have enough variety and alternates for meal all together.
Guide for what to wear at ball:
Your outfit for ball should be somewhere between formal and casual which means semiformal. Don’t spent too much money on dresses just keep in mind wear something classy for night out parties. The main accessory you have to focus on is the Venetian masks. Create perfect balanced look, if you have more glittery costume go for plain mask whereas if you have glitterier mask with full of feathers and shiny stones choose plain dress. Always but the comfortable mask according to your size as, if your mask gets disturbed it can spoil the party.