When purchasing a health insurance policy, please make sure that it provides adequate coverage and maximum benefits. Many things are frequently overlooked when purchasing a health insurance policy, one of which is the sub-limits. Some benefits under a health policy are subject to a sub-limit, which limits the extent of benefits covered under a health policy.
What is room rent limit?
One of the most common sub-limits is the room rent limit. The patient must be admitted to a hospital one day before a strenuous medical procedure, or surgery to complete a thorough check-up, undergo various diagnostic or preparatory tests, and general preparation. Hospitalization is also required a few days following surgery or operation to allow for recovery and general observation.
The final medical bill indicates the room rent per day after discharge. So, the room rent limit is imposed on rent coverage and other hospital accommodation expenses. This monetary restriction is also referred to as room rent capping. It can be expressed as a percentage of the insured or a fixed amount.
For example, suppose your health insurance policy has a room rent limit of Rs.5000 for a sum insured of Rs.5 lakh. However, if the limit is 2% of the sum insured, the room rent limit is Rs.10,000. The room rent limit determines the amount of your claim for health insurance coverage to a great extent. Along with the coverage, it caps and affects doctors’ fees and treatment costs.
There are various types of health insurance and room rent coverage available:
- Room rent without a cap:
A room rent without a cap is one of the most requested features in health insurance plans. Because the insurance provider does not impose any limits or restrictions on room rents, policyholders are free to select the room type.
- Room rent co-payments:
Room rent co-payments allow the insured to share room rent expenses with the insurer. If your health insurance policy specifies a maximum amount for room rent, the insurer bears anything above that amount. Co-payment is less popular because it requires the policyholder to pay out of pocket.
- Room rent with specific room types:
The room rent feature in some health insurance policies covers specific types of rooms. A general ward, suite, twin-sharing suite, or private room are all options for the insured. According to the insurance policy, patients can only be admitted to pre-specified rooms under this feature.
- Room rents with no sub-limits as an add-on cover:
In health insurance, add-on health covers are extra features that can be purchased with a base health insurance policy to extend coverage by paying an additional premium. A no-room rent sub-limit feature may appear as an add-on cover in a health insurance policy rather than as a default feature.
The policyholder must pay an additional amount to have the feature covered. As a result, it is ideal to purchase a health insurance policy with no room rent capping or one with a higher room rent limit so that it can cover any room that the policyholder desires.
‘Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.‘