The signs of domestic abuse might not always be out there, and people take some of them as normal as they might not be aware of it. Domestic abuse is not limited to hurting the body but also has things to do with controlling a person’s mind and emotions as well.
When someone is abused, they can be fearful and confused as well. Furthermore, getting to know that side of your partner that you might not have imagined or thought of before can take a toll on a person’s mental health. You should know that it is not the physical abuse that you see first; it creeps in slowly and gradually.
The violence part is usually seen when you have been cut off from family members and other close relatives. In Long Island, there is a legal system that has its own specific rules and regulations.
Violating the rules can bring you legal consequences. However, in some cases, people can also be falsely accused of such a crime. If you are one of those people, seeking legal help becomes essential. Criminal defense attorneys can help you in such situations.
What are the signs of abuse?
If you have this fear from your partner, that is not a good sign and is a red flag. You might be scared to speak your mind or bring up some topic that may aggravate them, or you might be fearful of saying no when they want to have sex. Whatever the reason might be, fear is not supposed to be there in a healthy relationship. Let us look at some of the signs:
Partner is controlling and threatens you:
- They may accuse you that you are having an affair.
- Can put the blame on you for the abuse.
- Criticizes whenever they get the chance.
- They define the way you should dress up or what you should wear.
- They may give you a threat if you do not do as they say; they will kill someone close to you.
- Shouts at you and makes you feel like you are nothing.
Controlling your money:
- They may keep the credit and cash away from you.
- Allowance is there and tells you about every dollar that you spend.
- They will not give you money even for basic stuff like clothes or food.
- They would not let you go to work or any job that you might want to pursue.
Cutting off from family and close ones:
- They keep an eye on wherever you go and whoever you meet.
- If you want to meet your friends or family, you will need their permission.
- They make fun of you in front of others so that you will start avoiding gathering.
- Leave you at a place you do not know the way of.
- They would not let you receive any medical care, or they would not even let you get any sleep.
- Punching you, biting you, kicking you, etc, are some of the many things that you may observe.
Sexual abuse:
- They would make you feel as if you owe them the sex.
- They will force you to have sex with them.
- Telling you to dress up in a provocative way or sexual way.
- Even trying to give you sexually transmitted diseases.
- Would not let you use birth control or condoms during intercourse.
How can you know if someone is being abused?
There are different signs that may help you to get an idea if someone is abusing their partner:
- Making excuses for the injuries sustained.
- Notching changes in self-esteem; someone really confident before might have low self-esteem now.
- Not having any money in their hand.
- Trying to cover bruises with unusual clothes.
Falsely accused of a crime? Contact a criminal defense attorney!
Sometimes, people are accused of something they did not do; in such cases, only a professional can help. The strict rules are going to be imposed on you as soon as you are proven guilty, which is why you need a lawyer on your side who can defend you.