Personal injury claims go through several phases until they get rejected or approved. Settlement is one of the most effective resolutions because it saves the time, money, and energy of people involved in the case. However, the settlement should be done with the help of a good Ontario, CA personal injury lawyer. This is because he will educate you on signing the agreement, payment terms, and other details. You must be aware of the fact that once you agree to the settlement with the party, you will lose your right to file a claim against him.
Injury getting worse after the settlement
If your injury has become more aggravated after you have agreed to the settlement, you will not be able to recover more money from him. A good personal injury lawyer is one who can calculate future expenses and get in touch with the medical expert to understand the possible impact of the injury in the coming days. You should know the future expenses before signing the agreement. If the medical expert gives you a hint about these expenses, you should not sign the document or let your attorney handle the case.
Injuries that may get worse in future
Every injury has a certain time limit to reach the recovery phase. Most of them may result in less pain, bleeding, and swelling. Even the doctor believes that the injury has healed or has started to heal after reaching a certain point. In many cases, the injury worsens even if the doctor has told you that it would be fine in some days.
The injury may also get aggravated if the patient does not follow the doctor’s treatment and leave it in between. For instance, brain injuries are such kinds of injuries that may not get healed properly if you don’t follow the proper instructions of the doctor. If the patient feels that he is not getting any better after taking the medicines and stops taking them all of a sudden. It is not recommended to sign the agreement if the treatment is still going on.
Moreover, a qualified and experienced personal injury lawyer will discuss all possibilities with you and the doctor before agreeing to the agreement. You should get all medical expenses so that you can regain your health and strength just like before. It will help you go back to your work and perform daily activities without any assistance.