In many cases, choosing a mattress is a matter of guesswork. Customers at stores may have received some recommendations from friends and relatives, and they may have done some online research. From there, they spend some time lying on mattresses at the store and try to make an informed decision. Yet this decision will significantly affect them for many years to come as they spend around eight hours a day in bed.
Shopping with Technology
Shopping at a store with technology providing more accurate information about a customer’s best matches for mattresses is ideal for someone who has sleep issues. Examples include back or leg pain that flares up during sleep, and difficulty feeling comfortable on most mattresses. Many individuals are confused as to whether a softer or firmer product would help them sleep better.
The customer at a store with this kind of technology first answers questions about the quality of his or her sleep and where discomfort occurs. There may be a question about the person’s habitual sleep position. Then, as is usually true when someone shops for these products, the customers lies on one for a while. In this store, though, sensors check support levels of the material under the customer’s body. Pressure points are noted. These are places where parts of body are heavier against the fabric. Double mattress in a box work best to get you mattresses for better night’s sleep.
After this process, the customer is given a complimentary report with recommendations.
Testing the Recommended Products
Now, with the report in hand, the consumer can lie down on the products listed there. Spending at least 10 minutes resting will give the individual a good sense of whether this one seems comfortable for a full night’s sleep. The person might feel a little awkward in a store, but it’s best to lie in the usual sleeping position. Many customers lie on the back for 10 minutes, but that won’t give them an accurate evaluation if they typically sleep on one side.
Expecting Sleep Improvements
A person who has long had trouble with waking up during the night and not being able to get back to sleep right away could benefit a great deal from a change of beds. Buying the right model is important for people with sleeping problems, as it can make a big difference. Some men and women who have experienced insomnia of one form or another for years are startled when they sleep so much better on another one. They hadn’t realized they could feel so comfortable on a higher-quality product or one with a different firmness level.
Considering the Price for High Quality
Some consumers shy away from spending significantly more than they have previously on these bedding features. Yet that might be the answer to ending sleep problems. One way to consider the situation is to divide the product price by the number of nights it will likely be used. Over 10 years, spending $1,000 for a queen-sized version costs about 27 cents per night if used every day. If a couple sleeps on it, that’s only about 14 cents per person.