When you are preparing for an exam, it is important that you do everything you can to set yourself up for success. According to the experts at Neuro Drinks, hydration and nutrition are essential when studying for a big exam. Staying hydrated and eating the right combination of foods at the right time will help you stay awake, alert, and ready to learn and retain the information necessary to ensure the best possible results.
What the Experts Say
Experts agree that you should eat different kinds of food and drink different beverages depending on the time of day.
For example, in the morning, it is best to fuel up with food that is quick and easy to make. Overnight oats, cereal, and toast require the least effort, which is why the scientists at Neuro Drinks recommend them during exam time. These are among the easiest meals to make when it’s early, and you’re in a hurry.
For longer exams or on days with multiple tests, be sure to carry energy-boosting snacks with you. Nuts and fruits are filling and can easily be taken with you. Examples of these are bananas, apples, almonds, and walnuts. It can be difficult to stay alert during long exams, especially in the afternoon. Sugar or other carbohydrates can provide a quick spike in glucose levels and may also offer a burst of energy. A bite of a pastry or chocolate may be tempting; however, energy bursts from simple sugars quickly fall, so be wary of sugar crashes. Other food choices, such as peanut butter and celery, may sustain energy for longer.
Also, many students stay up late to prepare for tests. Instead of snacking all night on junk food, try stir-fried vegetables and a hearty protein. A balanced meal can help keep your energy levels up throughout the night.
Remember to Stay Hydrated
The Neuro Drinks team also knows the importance of staying properly hydrated before, during, and after an exam. This will help your brain operate at an optimal level. As with food, there are specific times to fuel up with drinks as you prepare for an exam.
The scientists at Neuro Drinks recommend drinks that have electrolytes—particularly sodium and potassium—such as sports or functional drinks. Electrolytes are minerals that are necessary for the body’s normal function. They help keep you hydrated on test day. The Neuro Drinks experts explain that if you are looking for energy boosts without the fear of dipping or crashing, try functional drinks that are low in carbohydrates.
Eat and Drink in Moderation
It is also very important to balance what you consume via food or beverage.
It is important to balance carbohydrate consumption to avoid the dreaded energy crash. Too many carbs can lead to a sudden drop in energy, whereas too few can lead to exhaustion. Typically, the more you move, the more carbs are required to reach that perfect balance. According to the experts at Neuro Drinks, the ideal amount is 30 grams of carbs per hour of moderate exercise.
While most people associate working out with burning calories and losing weight, it may surprise you to learn that taking an exam may actually burn more calories than doing a moderate workout. This is because the body needs fuel to help you think clearly and focus on a given task, and this is especially true for something as mentally strenuous as a final exam.
As any student knows, test-taking can be a stressful experience. You have to be prepared mentally for the test itself. You also need the physical energy to remain focused and alert for the test’s duration. This is why it’s important to ensure you’re adequately nourished before taking a test.
A small snack or high-calorie drink can help keep your energy levels up and improve your focus and concentration. So, next time you have a test, remember the team at Neuro Drinks encourages you to fuel your body and mind properly.