A seminary is a place where men and women can earn an advanced degree to serve in ministry. It may be run by a religious order or by a diocese.
A balanced seminary education prepares you to serve in church and in the world by training your head, heart, and hands. It also creates a network for continued learning and support.
Founded in 1855
The seminary has grown to become a leader in theological education. Its influence has extended throughout the world, and its graduates have become a part of the church’s global mission.
The Seminary is a small, private, evangelical Christian seminary. It is governed by a board of trustees elected by the Southern Baptist Convention, and receives almost one-third of its $31 million annual budget through the SBC Cooperative Program.
Founded in 1855, the seminary was established to provide education for pastors and other Christian workers. Its founder, James Boyce, had a strong vision for theological education.
In the early 1860s, Boyce delivered a lecture titled “Three Changes in Theological Institutions,” which challenged the traditional view of ministerial education. The lecture was a call to the Baptists of the South to rethink their approach to education and create a new institution that would serve as a pillar of theological leadership for the denomination.
A critical element of Boyce’s argument was that the new seminary should be free from academic and social barriers that would prevent people from receiving the best possible education. The seminary was to be a place where people of all backgrounds and social status could study the Bible in the original languages and receive a quality education.
Located in Louisville
Located in Louisville, Kentucky, Baptist Theological Seminary is a small, private, evangelical Christian seminary that offers an extensive range of theological degrees. Its School of Theology is the flagship of the Southern Baptist Convention, and it’s one of the largest seminaries in the country.
The campus is divided into three separate schools: the graduate School of Theology, the undergraduate Boyce College, and the School of Pastoral Studies. Its theological and Biblical degree programs are ranked among the best in the United States.
In addition to a comprehensive curriculum, the school has a strong emphasis on spiritual formation and community building. It offers a wide variety of ministry opportunities, including domestic and global short-term mission trips.
A major draw to this seminary is its outstanding faculty. Many of its professors have written several books and are respected in their field of study.
Founded by African Americans
Located in Louisville, Kentucky, Baptist Theological Seminary is a small, private, evangelical Christian seminary that trains ministers. It is a member of the Southern Baptist Convention and ranks as one of the most popular colleges in the nation for African American students.
The school is a member of the Interdenominational Theological Center and has collaborated with Gammon Theological Seminary, Morehouse School of Religion, and Turner Theological Seminary. It is also a member of the Integrated Theological Network.
However, its website still lists several of the school’s founders as slave owners and ardent defenders of slavery. For instance, the school’s first president, James Boyce, used funds from his family’s plantation to build the school.
After emancipation, the seminary’s faculty opposed racial equality and defended white political control in the South. It was a stance that many Southern Baptists took during the Civil War and into Reconstruction.
Located in New Orleans
Founded in 1917, Baptist Theological Seminary is a small, private, evangelical Christian seminary located in New Orleans. The school is fully accredited and has a mission to make quality theological education accessible and affordable.
The university offers certificates, associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. In addition to its campus in New Orleans, the seminary operates 17 extension centers scattered across the Southeast.
Its academics are anchored in scholarship and practicality, with a sense of urgency to create graduates who intend to minister others. Its faculty includes top scholars who also serve or have served in ministry.
The seminary also has a number of student organizations. These include the Dead Preachers Society, which encourages preachers in the passionate proclamation of God’s Word; Fellowship of Black Seminarians, which focuses on reconciliation issues; and International Student Fellowship, which promotes fellowship among members through Bible studies and planned activities.