The surge of usage in online games has been seen ever since the pandemic has hit the world. Moreover, access to mobile phones and cheap Internet data has also contributed to its surge. All people need is a mobile phone and access to data, and they can start playing online games anytime, even in their pyjamas. Whether you want to take a break from work or return home to the same dull, boring house, you can always make sure that your mood is uplifted through online games.
One of the most popular mobile games is undoubtedly carrom. It is likely to have originated in India, and we have several childhood memories attached to this game. Be it get-togethers or at clubs, carrom was a board game that was present in almost every Indian household. All and sundry were playing it. We used to play it during power cuts at our grandparent’s house, with our siblings and cousins during summer vacation, etc. We are sure that all of you have different memories related to this game. The best part is that the online version is equally thrilling.
They are easily available online and come with many pros, and the primary one is being able to socialize while maintaining a safe distance. If you want to show off your strokes, why don’t you try your hand at MPL Carrom online? The rules are more or less similar, and you also get to challenge your close ones. It would help if you invited them through links, and you are good to go.
In this blog, we will talk about a few tips and tricks that would help you win the game. With online carrom, you can even bring cash home. Several people have won cash contests by playing online carrom, and their lifestyle has changed after that.
1. Have a positive attitude: One of the most important points that would help you win carrom games is having a positive attitude. We’re pretty sure that you have prior experience in offline carrom. Just think of online carrom as the same because the rules are pretty much the same. Choose one of the best websites for a great user experience, and you are good to go.
2. Know about the strikes: The second tip that we will share with you is that strikes are extremely important in online carrom. You have to ensure that you pocket the right carrom men at the right time using the right strikes. You need to do a bit of research and find out what the strikes are and how you can master them. Read expert reviews and blogs in your free time. By reading expert blogs and reviews, you will get the hang of the game and understand how interesting the online version is. It will also help you win the games like a pro.
3. Play free games: No matter which online game you choose, you need to try your hands at the free games before entering the cash contest. After you gain confidence, you can easily go for the cash contests. Choose the contests wisely. But before that, hone your skills with the help of the free games. Even the experts in the carrom world suggest the same.
4. Accurate speed: Accurate speed is also important when playing carrom.
Even if your striking style is right and you are hitting the right carromman, you will not be able to pocket to the same if the speed is wrong. To understand the elements before you jump in.
5. Right direction: Angles are very important to pocket the carrom man. So make sure you have the right sense of direction when you target a particular carrom man. Know the points of each carrom man before you target them. It is better to go for the ones that have higher points. Go for the easy-to-pocket ones first and then only target the difficult ones. You will easily become a pro player and start winning cash contests with time and practice. Don’t give up and regularly invest some time in online carrom games.
All it needs is practice and patience. So these are a few tips and tricks that will help you become an expert in online carrom. We hope you enjoyed reading this blog and will come back for more. Now that you are still working from home, it is better to invest your time in something productive such as this. Learn the game and bag prizes!! Get to meet like-minded carrom or online gaming enthusiasts.
Share trade secrets and read related blogs. You can even try online cricket, football, card games, rummy, ludo, chess, etc. All the games have benefits like better memory power, improved cognitive skills, etc. The best part is that you can win prizes by playing these games. It is a great hobby.
The rage for online games is here to stay, which is evident from this Forbes blog. Experts are quite confident that the popularity of online games will stay beyond the pandemic because of the convenience it provides. Introverts are getting great peace in knowing that they can socialize on a virtual platform. People don’t have to spend thousands to have a happening weekend. They can relax and connect with friends on these apps.